ISSN : 2347-3886



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Study of Haematological Profile in Malaria

Dr. Sujeet Kumar


Malaria continues to be a great health problem in some of the most populated areas of the world & continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. At present, official figures for malaria in India, available at NVBDCP, indicate 0.7-1.6 million confirmed cases and 400-1,000 deaths annually. Hematological changes, which are the most common systemic complications, play a significant role in these serious complications. The haematological abnormalities that have been reported to consistently companion which comprise anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and atypical lymphocytosis and infrequently disseminated intravascular coagulation. Hence the study had been planned to study the haematological changes in the malarial patients.

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