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The Study of Emergency Laboratory Abnormalities of Poisoning Cases admitted at Narayana medical College and Hospital, Nellore
Dr.Kondle Raghu
Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between laboratory parameters and the degree of intoxication in patients attempted to commit suicide using various toxic agents admitted to the emergency department. Methods: 537 patients who attempted to suicide during the period of 4 years between April 2009 and April 2013 admitted to the emergency department were included in this retrospective study. Fatal poisonings were studied for socioeconomic status, type of poison and way of manner (accidental, suicidal or homicidal). The initial laboratory findings and clinical status of patients were evaluated. Clinical severity of patients was also graded according to the Bardin classification on admission. Results: Oral intake of poison was found to be the most common route for suicidal purpose. Acute renal failure was observed during admission in some patients of grade 2 and 3. Cholinesterase activity was measured significantly depressed in the grade 1, 2 and 3. SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels were significantly higher in the grade 1 and 2, but they were considerably elevated in the grade 3 compared to normal reference.
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