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Effect of Rifampicin on Acute and Subacute Inflammation in Male Wistar Rats - An Experimental Study
Priya Gandigawad
Tuberculosis is associated with significant inflammation and fibrosis resulting in complications like pleural fibrosis, ureteral strictures, stricture of fallopian tubes leading to infertility, chronic pericarditis with thickening of pericardium and fibrosis, tubercular meningitis leading to fibrosis etc. Rifampicin when given in these conditions, by virtue of their anti inflammatory activity may reduce complications of the disease. Based on the controversial reports on influence of rifampicin on inflammation, rifampicn was investigated for its anti-inflammatory activity in both acute (carrageenan induced rat paw edema) and subacute (foreign body induced granuloma) models of inflammation using male Wistar rats. Rifampicin when compared with control showed significant inhibition (p<0.01) of rat paw edema in acute model and granuloma dry weight in subacute model of inflammation, indicating significant anti-inflammatory activity.
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