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A Study Involving Indian Subpopulation of Sikkim for the Effect of Sitagliptin, in Control of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2
Ajay Kumar Gupta
Introduction There is a growing worldwide epidemic of Type - 2 Diabetes mellitus and it is now a common and serious global health problem. The population in and around Sikkim, a state in north eastern part of Indian province has never been studied for anti-diabetic drugs and thus was thought to take one. This is a community based, case - control prospective study involving adult population residing at Sikkim, reporting to Secondary Care Hospital and receiving treatment for diabetes. Methods A standardized random sample of 500 patient’s was considered. Pretested proforma was filled after detailed examination and taking informed consent of the patients after adding Sitaglipitin100 mg daily for 48 weeks. Data was then compiled and statistical analysis was done using Carl Pearson’s correlation, chi square test, odds ratio, students‘t’ test and correlation coefficients as applicable. Parameters for analysis ? Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) ? Plasma glucose (Fasting and Postprandial)
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