ISSN : 2347-3886



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Phytochemical investigation and brine shrimp lethality assay of extracts of picralima nitida (apoceanacea )staph. Seeds

Owolarafe Tajudeen Alowonle


Phytochemical study was undertaken on the seed of picralima nitida staph. Phytochemical analysis based on test of colouration and precipitate formation was carried out on four different extracts of P. nitida seed , extraction was based solvents polarities and are aqueous, methanol, ethylacetate and hexane. Also brine shrimp Lethality Assay (BSLA) of the extracts was carried out to detect possible cytotoxicity effects and possible pharmacological activities of the plant seed. Cytotoxicity was evaluated in terms of LC50 (lethality concentration) were carriedout in three replicates of the concentration of the seed extracts and survining brine shrimp were recorded after 24 hours. The tests carried out shows the presence of saponin, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, glycoside and anthraquinones. However no reducing sugar was observed with alkaloids, glycoside and steroids found/observed in all the extracts. The extracts were potent against the brine shrimp with LC50 values of 317, 317, 110 and 29 ppm (?g/mL), respectively.

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